About the Tech Marketing Mistress

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Analytical Problem Solver.Over Thinker. Nerd.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What we all know: It doesn't always pay to be first

I've done this before. But, as with many of my new ventures, took it too seriously and over-thunk it. I suffer, as we all do sometimes, from letting perfect get in the way of being great. Training for triathlons has helped me get over that in my personal life- just get up and do it. Get on the bike, get in the pool, head out for a run. The exercise is the exercise. Doing it makes you better.

Simple stuff.

So, I'm blogging. The rants, ravings, learnings and pointing out the obvious and oblivious of a 40 something technology marketing mistress. 

I love to be an early adopter. I pay dearly for it, often, in many ways. Whether it's the latest iPhone, app to manage my money (or lack thereof), social media tools, cms, or email marketing software, I want to use it. I love learning. Sadly, after school, there's not a lot of grading on a curve.

If you want to try new things, tools, devices, there are some inevitable skinned knees on the way- blogs that fell by the wayside, social media applications that were more buzz than buzzworthy, devices tried and tossed. You try. Sometimes you fail. Sometimes it fails. You lose meetings, contacts, and sometimes it feels like you may lose your mind. But sometimes, there's a cool new feature that is actually REALLY a benefit (you know how marketers like to obfuscate the two), that changes the way you do things. 

This is what we yearn for. There is often the chance that disruptive technology will be abandoned before the bugs get worked out, or the reason d'etre is clear. And that's where this comes in.

I wouldn't do anything for any company without a plan. But when I began blogging years ago, I had no plan. No one did really- except maybe some brilliant bald guy whose blog I still read. So, here's my plan:
1. Keep it simple.
2. Keep it real.
3. Keep it relevant (or at least relative) to technology marketing.

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